The Meeting and Workshop will take place in the Gorbea Auditorium, third floor of the main building of the School of Engineering and Sciences of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics at Universidad de Chile, in Santiago.

A description of the Campus, whose main entrance is located in Beaucheff 850, Santiago, can be found here.

Being our University a public institution, access to our Campus, and to the Gorbea Auditorium, is unrestricted. For this, we strongly advise you to not leave your personal belongings unattended at any time during the meeting. Especially vulnerable items are laptop computers, tablets, cellular phones, brief cases, backpacks, and wallets. Please carry these items with you permanently (including during coffee breaks). Sorry for the inconvenience, but this simple precaution could save you many headaches down the line. Note that neither ADeLA nor the University is liable for any property damage or loss within the Campus.

A general description about Santiago can be found on Wikipedia, or in the Santiago Tourist page.

If you are interested in doing a quick tour of Santiago, we suggest the
"Hop on - Hop off" service. By the way, this company also does tours to attractions nearby to Santiago, see here.


Medical insurance while in Chile:

State-provided medical assistance in Chile is very poor. We strongly recommend you to buy some medical insurance that will cover you against accidents or unexpected illnesses during your trip to Chile. Some of these insurance services can be bough sometimes at the airport of departure, immediately prior to your trip.


VISA requirements to enter Chile:

Note that you may need to apply for a Tourist VISA even if you are staying for a short while in Chile. In these links (English - Spanish) you will find out if you need to apply for a Tourist VISA. In those links open the document titled "CV 2014" (Spanish) or "Get Endorsement Box 2013" (English). If in the last column of those documents it says "SI" it means you need to apply for a Tourist VISA at the nearest Chilean Consulate of your place of residence. If in that column it says "NO", then you do not need to apply for a Tourist VISA, you can enter Chile with your passport and filling up a generic entry form prior to your arrival. This site has some general information about the issue as well.


Transportation From/To the Airport:

If you come by airplane from abroad, you will arrive into the "Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez" International Airport.

Information on how to get from/to the airport and the Santiago downtown area can be obtained here.

We strongly recommend you use one of the official registered transport companies listed in the pages above. Of course taxi is the most expensive alternative (about CLP 20,000 or USD 40), followed by the "Transfer VIP", these are minibuses on shared transport (a van that takes several passengers going to the same general area of Santiago). The cheapest way is using buses (about CLP 1,400 or USD 3) - and the subway afterwards to your final destination.

To use their services, upon arrival you have to go to the their boot just before getting out through the glass windows (after customs), and request a transport.  Beware, there are many other taxi or van services that we call "pirate", and are less reliable, we strongly encourage you NOT to use them.


Transportation in Santiago:

Transportation in Santiago can be quite an adventure, in many aspects...We suggest you read this information and plan your trip carefully.

Surface transport by bus is done via the "Transantiago system". Detailed maps of routes, cost, and other relevant information can be found here.

Transantiago is linked with the subway system "Metro de Santiago", whose routes and tariffs are here.

In order to travel on either Transantiago or Metro you need to get a "Bip!" card, which can be bought at any metro station and many other places. The cost of the plastic card is CLP 1,000 (one thousand chilean pesos, or about USD 2). The minimum credit deposit is CLP 1,000 (and it can go up in increments of CLP 500, or about USD 1). The card can be charged at will, depending on need.

If you prefer to take a taxi, we suggest you use "Easy Taxi" or "Safer Taxi" which can be called from your cell phone (after downloading their application into your cell phone). Beware, taxi fares are expensive in Chile, you can get an estimate of your trip through "Taximetro".

In many cases, for short distances (say, less than 2 km) it is very often more convenient and expedite to walk!


Preferential Lodging:

The SOC and LOC have managed to obtain support from our sponsors to contribute towards the lodging and expenses during the duration of the meeting. Invited and contributed speakers who receive financial support from ADeLA will be hosted at the Providencia suite apartments. Students supported by the SOC will be placed at the Las Condesas Hostal. A bus service will be provided by ADeLA from/to the Providencia suite apartments and the Gorbea auditorium, every day. First-priority for the use of the bus will be given to invited and contributed speakers staying at the apartments, students will be able to ride in the bus if space is available (for this purpose they will have to take the subway from the Manquehue station to the Los Leones station).

The Providencia Suite apartments are small furnished apartments, no breakfast is provided, although they have a kitchenette where you can prepare your own meals. Breakfast is provided at the Las Condesas Hostal. Other included services can be found in their respective sites.

Note that your ADeLA reservation runs from Sunday, September 28th (after noon) until Saturday, October the 4th, before noon (6 nights). If you arrive before or leave after those dates, you will have to cover that portion of your stay yourself. If you arrive after September 28th, or leave before Saturday the 4th, please let us know so that we can arrange the logistics properly.

Other attendees could make their own reservation in one of the places above, or through this site.


Restaurants & Food:

1.- Las Carnes de Morandé
Detalle: La especialidad son las carnes y en la semana no hay menú, solo pedidos a la carta. En caso de eventos para más de 20 personas estas son las alternativas que ofrecen:
Menú para más de 20 personas
Consumo promedio: 10 a 12 mil por persona
Capacidad: Tiene 2 comedores, el más grande posee una capacidad para 120 personas; y el más pequeño para 30.
Dirección: Echaurren 406 esquina Gorbea, Santiago.
Teléfono: 02 2 6891178

2.- Pizzería La Familia
Detalle: Pizza de 65 centímetro de diámetro.
Consumo promedio: con dos ingredientes $7000, por cada ingrediente adicional se deben sumar $1.000.
Capacidad: Solo para llevar
Dirección: José Miguel Carrera 624
Teléfono: 6-653 9704

3.- Restaurante El Parralino
Detalle: Comida casera, lunes cazuela de ave, ajiaco, y nugget con ensalada, pollo asado con papas con mayonesa.
Consumo promedio: $2.200 el menú con postre incluido (jalea, flan o fruta)
Capacidad: 25 personas
Dirección: Calle Gay 1731
Teléfono: 02 2 672 5276, 02 2 671 0826, 02 2 688 2881

4.-Las Delicias de Quirihue
Detalle: Almuerzo a la carta (no hay primer plato), la especialidad son los platos de fondo muy contundentes
Consumo promedio: $10 mil pesos.
Capacidad: Tiene 3 comedores uno de ellos de 80 personas. (Para grupos grandes hay que hacer reserva)
Dirección: Domeyko Nº 2059, Santiago Centro
Teléfono: 02 2 695 1096

5.- Restaurant Ana María
Detalle: Restaurant que rescata las tradicionales recetas del campo chileno. Con más de 14 años de experiencia, se ubica en una vieja casona en pleno Club Hípico de Santiago. Entre sus platos destacan el carpaccio de avestruz y ciervo guisado, además de otras exóticas especialidades con perdices, codornices, ganso, pato silvestre, faisán, jabalí y liebre.
Capacidad: 100 personas
Consumo promedio: 12 mil pesos
Dirección: Club Hípico 476, Santiago
Teléfono: 02 2 6984064

6.- Aoomori Nikkei Sushi
Detalle: Sushi y comida peruana. Buenas recomendaciones. (abierto de 12:00 a 00:45)
Consumo promedio: 8 mil pesos
Capacidad: 50 afuera, 60 adentro.
Dirección: Vergara 624, Santiago de Chile
Fono: 02 2 6717180- 02 2 6993321

7.- El Haras Restaurant (Club Hípico)
Detalle: Comida Internacional a la carta y Buffet. Algunos platos recomendados: Salmón dorado con costra de cilantro crocante montado sobre timbal de polenta y vegetales asados; preferir las carnes rojas en un Civet de jabalí relleno con nueces sobre galletón de papa rosty al tocino
y reducción de aceto; o simplemente probar su variedad de pastas.
Consumo promedio: Menú con salad bar  $4.000 y a la carta $13 mil promedio.
Servicios de lunes a viernes de 13:00 a 16:00 hrs.
Dirección: Blanco Encalda 2540
Fono reserva: 02 2 6939736

8.- Taberna El Hoyo
Detalle: Comida chilena. Considerado como uno de los mejores restaurantes típicos de todo el país, fue recomendado por el afamado Chef estadounidense Anthony Bourdain. El Hoyo destaca por platos criollos contundentes: Arrollados, Lengua,  Cazuelas, Pernil, Prietas y su especialidad el trago: El terremoto.
Horario de Atención: Lunes a Viernes 11:00 a 23:00 Hrs., Sábado de 11:00 a 20:00 Hrs.
Consumo promedio: 14 mil pesos
Dirección: San Vicente 375 ( Esquina Gorbea, a 10 cuadras de la Facultad)
Fono: 02 2 6890339
Página Web:

9.- La Casona de Don Nacho
Detalle: Comida colonial chilena con influencia mediterránea. Especialidades: Chanchito Campero, Riñones al Jerez, Jabalí, Conejo, Ciervo Escabechado.
Horario de Atención: A partir de las 12:00 PM (mediodía)
Dirección: Avda. Beaucheff 1239  (6 cuadras de la FCFM)
Fono: 26834004
Página Web:

10.-Patio de Comidas Japimax
Detalle:  Cuenta con varios locales de comida como: Shushi Do, Terragona (Pollos), Dunkin Donuts, Buffet Express, Doggis (Completos y hotdogs) y PizzaPizza.
Horario de Atención: De Lunes a Domingo de 10:00 a 21:30 hrs
Ubicación: Grajales esq. Almirante Latorre Barrio Universitario- Santiago Centro. (Está ubicado en el segundo piso del Supermercado Santa Isabel)
Página Web:

10.- Casino FCFM
Ubicación: Avenida Blanco Encalada Nº 2085,
Valores: Colación: $ 2.200, Hipocalórica: $ 2.200, Menú (tercer piso) 2700
Página Web:

11.- Restaurante Los Universitarios
Detalle: Comida chilena. Variedad de ensaladas, platos de fondos y postre. Se sirven tres tipos de menú con los siguientes valores: $2.000, $2.890, y $3.490 (El último incluye postre y bebida)
Horario de Atención: De lunes a viernes a partir de las 12:15 PM (mediodía)
Ubicación: Calle Blanco Encalada 2101.
Adicional:  Cuenta con Wi Fi gratuito para clientes.
Fono: celular: 9-4349273 (Héctor Vásquez)