Welcome to ADeLA 2014 @ SCL_
ADeLA is the acronym for “Astronomía Dinámica en Latino-América” (Dynamical Astronomy in Latin-America).
ADeLA is a series of scientific meetings that started in 2001 in San Juan, Argentina, and which have been organized approximately every two years in different countries of Latin-America. The VI ADeLA meeting will take place, for the first time in Santiago de Chile (SCL), in 2014.
ADeLA Meeting: Monday September 29th to Wednesday October 1st.
ADeLA Workshop: Thursday October 2nd to Friday October 3rd.
On the first three days of the meeting, ADeLA will bring together researchers from all Latin-American countries, and beyond, to share their recent research and discoveries, to evaluate the state of-the-art, and to seek possible collaborative and funding opportunities in the areas of Astrometry and Dynamical Astronomy, including ground and space-based astrometric techniques (trigonometric parallaxes, proper-motions, reference systems, catalogues, time keeping), radio & optical interferometry techniques, Galactic structure, Solar System studies, etc. In the last two days, we will have a workshop for Astronomy graduate students to help them get familiarized with these techniques, in the context of different astrophysical problems.
René A. Méndez
On behalf of the organizing committee